The Limina Podcast - Episode 10

The Future of Accessibility Operations

Guest: : Cat Noone

In Episode 10 of The Limina Podcast, we had the privilege of speaking with Cat Noone, CEO and Co-Founder of Stark—a company that’s transforming the world of digital accessibility. Cat’s journey from a product designer to a leader in accessibility operations offers valuable insights into how organizations can bake accessibility into every stage of their digital product lifecycle. Here are the key takeaways from our conversation.

Building Accessibility from the Ground Up

Cat Noone’s background in design and education has deeply influenced her approach to building Stark. With a mission to make software accessible for everyone, Stark is not just a tool—it’s a movement toward inclusivity in technology. Cat emphasized that accessibility isn’t just a checklist to be ticked off; it’s an integral part of user experience (UX). She and her team are on a mission to ensure that every product decision, from design to deployment, considers accessibility as a core component.

Accessibility as a Proxy for User Experience

One of the standout insights from our conversation was Cat’s perspective on accessibility as a proxy for UX. Accessibility is not an add-on; it’s central to creating products that are inclusive and usable by all. Stark’s approach focuses on making accessibility a continuous process rather than an afterthought. By integrating accessibility checks into design tools and developer workflows, Stark helps teams ensure that their products are compliant and user-friendly from the outset.

“Accessibility is a proxy for user experience. We can’t ignore that.”

– Cat Noone

“We needed a new approach to help these organizations manage their company’s accessibility posture in the same transparent and real-time and continuous way that we manage privacy and security at scale,”

-Cat Noone

Operationalizing Accessibility

The challenge for many organizations is operationalizing accessibility—making it a part of their daily workflows rather than a one-time effort. Cat discussed how Stark is tackling this by providing tools that are integrated into the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Whether it’s through their compliance center or tools for real-time accessibility checks, Stark enables teams to monitor and improve their accessibility posture continuously.

The Power of Shared Responsibility

A key theme in our discussion was the importance of shared responsibility across teams. At Stark, every team member, from designers to developers to product managers, contributes to the overall accessibility of their products. This shared ownership ensures that accessibility is prioritized at every stage, leading to more inclusive products.

The Future of Accessibility

Looking ahead, Cat envisions a future where accessibility operations (or “Accessibility Ops”) are as integral to digital product development as DevOps and DesignOps. Stark aims to lead the charge by offering a platform that not only helps companies meet compliance standards but also fosters innovation in accessibility. As digital products continue to evolve, Stark is committed to ensuring that no one is left behind, regardless of their abilities.


Cat Noone and Stark are pioneers in the field of digital accessibility, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in inclusive design. Their work is not just about meeting compliance requirements; it’s about creating a more equitable digital world where everyone can access the latest innovations. As accessibility becomes increasingly critical in the digital age, Stark’s tools and philosophy offer a blueprint for how organizations can integrate accessibility into their DNA.

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