Limina Spotlight

Ellie Krysl

Every so often we will post an employee spotlight to highlight members of our team – Enjoy!

What is your title or role on the team?

My title is the Design Discipline Lead for Limina

Ellie Krysl - headshot

What do you do at work on a given day?

Depending on the client and the workstream, my day-to-day can vary, but generally, it’s some combination of the following:

  • Communicate directly with clients 
  • Run or attend internal and client-facing IA, interaction, or visual design reviews
  • Collaborate on strategies (e.g., building out UX operations in a client company, creating accessibility strategies for an organization, establishing Design System governance, etc.)
  • Conduct requirements gathering sessions with clients
  • Read and share out relevant industry thought leadership 
  • Participate in project retros
  • Take in user research findings and discuss their application to the next work being done
  • Review or build components in atomic design libraries, along with creating associated guidance
  • Review or build out design systems

Where do you live and work remotely from?

I live in Loveland, Colorado

Tell us about your family and any pets

My husband is an audio engineer who also fixes vintage electronics (he’s a very nostalgic person). Our Yorkie Rupert is a professional napper who somehow takes up most of the couch.

My husband and I enjoying some of the amazing sites Colorado has to offer

Rupert - Yorkie

My way too cute officemate Rupert

How did you find Limina and what inspires you to work for the company?

My husband and I had followed schooling and work from one city to another before deciding to put down roots in Colorado. I had just finished a stint for a defense contractor in Boston and was curious what opportunities might be closer to our new home. I found Limina, who happened to have an opening at the time. 

I remember thinking, “how have I not heard of this company before?”. I applied. It was over a holiday and both owners were away from the office at the time, but they set up an interview anyway. We all got on the call and I think we realized it was a good fit.   

Limina emphasizes process, user research, communication, collaboration, and understanding innovation happens when different perspectives are encouraged. We often help our clients de-silo (e.g., information, processes, user flows, etc.), so it’s not surprising that we subscribe to the same philosophy as a company. Having my areas of expertise while also being encouraged to continue to expand my skills in other areas, to me, that’s pretty inspiring and always interesting.

What is the most important lesson you have learned while working at Limina?

The most important? That’s a tough one. I’ve been in the industry for 18 years now, but when I joined Limina 5 years ago, I realized they operated on a whole other level. 

Limina is at the forefront of DesignOps, working alongside heavy hitters in the UX community. Working with our clients to tackle their challenges with this forward focus is awesome. I think that’s the most important lesson learned, the power of empowering clients. 

Knowledge sharing is very impactful, and allows our clients to continue in the right direction even after our engagement is complete. We’ve helped many large organizations improve their usability at the same time as improving their internal processes. That can be in the form of moving a large government organization with many different websites onto a single CMS with consistent structures and workflows or partnering with an enterprise to build up their DesignOps practice. Empowering our clients while also empowering their users has huge impacts.

What is one thing you want to tell others about Limina?

My colleagues are all incredibly smart people with deep expertise and a lot of passion for the work. Plus it is one of the healthiest work environments I have ever seen, with a strong emphasis on values. If I could create my ideal company, not only to work for but with, Limina would pretty much be it.

Ellie and Rob at Estes Park

Estes National Park

Thank you Ellie!

You’re an incredible asset to the team – your dedication to excellence is widely recognized by your teammates and our clients!  Thank you for bringing your whole self and leaving it all on the field every week!

Read Insights posted by Ellie:

Keep an eye out for future employee spotlights!