Icon of a piece of paper with Gantt-like bar chart, with a map pin linked to a flag underneath.

Scoping and Roadmapping

Achieving your objectives on time and on budget

Multiple screens showing roadmap visualizations, prioritization frameworks and requirements scoping data

Potential scope comes to our clients from everywhere – customer support, research, competitive analysis, business needs, evolving tech, and compliance and standards, to name a few. We identify, normalize (into epics, features, stories, and/or requirements), estimate, prioritize, and then slot scope into a roadmap of releases. The project’s scope is further elaborated, maintained, and traced across workstreams and activities, from UX design to change management. The backlog and roadmap are continually revised and refreshed, ensuring that what is being worked on most greatly and directly supports the project’s key objectives.

We help identify, normalize (into epics, features, stories, and/or requirements), estimate, prioritize, and then slot scope into a roadmap of releases. Throughout the project, we elaborate, maintain, and trace the scope across workstreams and activities, from UX design to change management. We continually revise and refresh the backlog and roadmap, ensuring that we prioritize tasks that most greatly and directly support the project’s key objectives.

Areas of Expertise

Identification and Normalization


Prioritization and Roadmapping

Scope and Release Management

Featured Work

Screenshots of design system pages with guidance, does and dont's

Design System Scoping for a Medical Education Organization

Determining what is truly needed from a Design System

Working with a large non-profit to document potential Design System requirements, align on what scope is needed the most, and then use those requirements to determine whether an off-the-shelf or custom design system solution was best for their needs.

US FWS FWS.gov Digital Transformation

Leading FWS through the modernization of their website and the digital transformation of their organization

Conducting research with target audiences and internal resources responsible for content creation and publication, executing an audit of the existing site, capturing findings in a robust set of scope, documenting personas and user behavior models, followed by estimation and roadmapping

Redesigned U.S. Fish and Wildlife website now using a single CMS, design library and process creation system


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Need requirements management support?

Our team has supported startups through MVP launches, subsequent release planning, and enterprise product and service ecosystem prioritization and road mapping. We’ve got the chops to cut through to high-value experience planning with teams of all stripes.

Let's Talk Requirements