The Limina Podcast - Episode 13

Unlocking Insight-Led Growth

Guests : Nick Russell and Dan Robins

In today’s fast-paced digital world, organizations struggle to keep their insights accessible and actionable. In this episode of the Limina Podcast, Jon Fukuda speaks with Nick Russell and Dan Robins, co-founders of Dualo, a knowledge management solution powered by AI, that’s changing the game for product teams. They discuss how fragmented knowledge silos slow down decision-making and how Dualo helps teams organize, connect, and distribute insights in real-time.

Breaking Down Knowledge Silos

Breaking Down Knowledge Silos Nick and Dan dive deep into how knowledge silos persist in organizations, despite advanced technology. They share strategies for building a core working group to identify key personnel and centralizing strategic knowledge that’s often buried in scattered systems.

Turning Insights into Action

One of the core issues with managing insights is ensuring they lead to action. Nick and Dan share how Dualo ensures that insights remain contextual, traceable, and tied to specific recommendations, ensuring teams make informed decisions faster and with greater accuracy.

“An insight on its own is just knowledge. To make it actionable, it needs to be tied to recommendations that support decision-making.”

– Dan Robins

“We realized it’s not about boiling the ocean. It’s about focusing on the most valuable knowledge and starting with the right people to capture the insights that really matter.”

-Nick Russell

The Role of AI in Knowledge Management

The Dualo platform leverages AI to summarize and surface relevant insights quickly, cutting down on the time teams spend hunting for critical information. With generative AI summarizing lengthy reports and creating real-time insights, organizations can maintain a competitive edge.

Driving Continuous Discovery

Dualo supports continuous discovery by connecting the dots between existing knowledge and real-time research. Nick and Dan explain how their system integrates with decision-making frameworks, helping organizations become more insight-driven.

The Future of Knowledge Management

The episode wraps up with Nick and Dan sharing their vision for the future, where knowledge management becomes even more personalized, delivering insights to the right people at the right time, tailored to their current work.


Knowledge management is no longer just about storing information—it’s about unlocking insights to drive faster, better decisions. Tune in to learn how Dualo is transforming how organizations approach research and insight management.

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Website: ⁠⁠
Nick Linkedin: ⁠/in/nsrussell/⁠
Dan Linkedin: ⁠/in/danpaulrobins/⁠
Book: ⁠Unlocking Insight-Led-Growth⁠
More Episodes: ⁠⁠The Limina Podcast⁠⁠
Music by TimTaj: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
(Modern Technologies, This is Interview)